BYST’s Grampreneur Swapnil Kudale shares his joy on being one of the top three finalists, β€˜Global Youth Entrepreneurship Summit 2019’ held in Cartagena, Colombia recently Β  I began my entrepreneurial journey of manufacturing pressed steel radiators with Bharatiya Yuva Shakti Trust’s support in 2017. With BYST’s support, I could get access to capital from Bank of Maharashtra for Rs. 40 lakhs for purchase of tools and machinery. My association with BYST started in 2011 through a newspaper advertisement which lured me to give my thoughts a clear vision. I was able to give my start-up Sky Power Industries a kick start with proper guidance, support of a dedicated mentor who has always inspired me and motivated me to achieve success. Since the beginning of my relationship with BYST, my learning has never stopped, from business idea generation to attending sessions on entrepreneurship, workshops have been a blessing to achieve my goal. As quoted by Oprah Winfrey, β€˜A mentor is someone who allows you to see the hope inside yourself’ is completely true as I found my guide in Subhash Shejwal, who has always guided me push through the crowd and achieve something big. My venture of providing pressed steel radiators for distribution of transformers and rectifiers in Pune and surrounding states. I feel privileged to have been associated with BYST who nominated me for Indian entrepreneurs for Youth Business International (YBI)’s β€˜Global Youth Entrepreneurship Summit 2019’ which was celebrated in Cartagena, Colombia for which I also travelled. I take great pride that I was in the top 3 finalists from 52 countries and was facilitated with a trophy as a finalist. The experience of this summit was amazing and gave me a broad sense about the entrepreneurial mindsets as this was my first international trip. GYES 2019 made me learn a lot many things through various sessions on tackling difficulties in a start-up venture, successes and failures of the business. To meet entrepreneurs, mentors and people from various organisations, corporates and media representing various countries and the kind of work they are doing gave me a bigger perspective about the whole idea of entrepreneurship and the challenges associated with it. I am grateful to my family, BYST and my mentor for supporting me in every possible way to achieve my dreams.Β 
