Webinar Addressed byΒ Mrs. Ranjini Manian Before this global pandemic, we were all living a very fast-paced life, and now due to lockdown and work from home, all our schedules have taken a hit. To effectively use the digital medium, BYST organized a webinar on living a life full of mindfulness in spite of extreme circumstances. BYST Mentor, Mrs. ManianΒ with more thanΒ thirty years of experience spoke about maintaining a work-life balance during these circumstances. While we are all busy striving for success, she said we also need to put emphasis on sitting in silence and practicing one’s wellbeing. No matter how negative things get around us, it is in our power to make those negatives into positives. To follow this, she began with a few guidelines. Take-Aways: Thrive Sunflower Style: Nature gave us a pause in this life and it’s up to us to refocus our perspectives, think about what actually matters. Balance for Better: Find a way to bloom in adversity, to make your time alone count. Look for your mind and body, work, and life balance. Take Time for Relationships: “Personal relationships are the first casualties.” Make time for each other, stay away from your gadgets, even if only to share a meal. She led the audience into an 8-minute meditation session, guiding their spirit and actions and bringing about a relaxed and grateful atmosphere. She said, “learn to be in your own company because that experience helps us to be completely mindful.” The biggest takeaway for BYST entrepreneurs and mentors from the webinar has been to take out time from one’s busy schedules and involve in mindful practices Meditation:Β Train your attention, become what you meditate, focus on your goal, and enhance your struggle to achieve it. Gratitude:Β Make it a way of life, 3-4 things at the end of the day to see a better change in your outlook. “Gratitude is an Attitude.” Β  Mrs. Manian shed light on her thoughts about meditation and explained how meditation train one’s brain into a powerful tool. It can be the key, to help you succeed, to make you happy, and be in control of your emotions. In an urban lifestyle, we have lost sight of ourselves So just be. Live your life and take control of your actions. And to do that, she suggested practicing β€˜BE’. Begin your day with meditation End your day with gratitude The session was beautifully ended with questions from the audience on how to make someone happy, how to maintain self-respect, and how to cope with negativity around. She also encouraged the support BYST is providing their entrepreneurs in this tough time.
