Mission And Vision
Vision and Mission
Turning job seekers into job creators: create and support 1million Grampreneurs
to generate 50 million jobs by 2050.
To position BYST as global leader in mentoring young Grampreneurs at the grassroot level: create a pool of ----- mentors to counsel and support Indian youth in building sustainable micro enterprises.
Enable ‘Last mile reach’ to be the gateway for India’s socio economic development
To position BYST as global leader in mentoring young Grampreneurs at the grassroot level: create a pool of ----- mentors to counsel and support Indian youth in building sustainable micro enterprises.
Enable ‘Last mile reach’ to be the gateway for India’s socio economic development
Generate employment and wealth through entrepreneurship.
Enable a robust mentoring ecosystem.
Using Innovative Schemes Such As Mobile Mentor Clinics, Byst Is Indeed The First Organization To Successfully Develop The Pybt Model Out side Of The Uk.Over The Years, Byst Has Developed Programs And Mechanisms To Reach Out To A Wider Swathe Of Aspiring Indians.
BYST is committed to building strong, trusting relationships and life skills in youth through mentoring and social entrepreneurship.
The Byst Model Has Proven To Be Efficient In Both Rural And Urban India And Is Now Being Used In Other Parts Of The World. As A Founding Member Of The Youth Business International(Ybi) Uk, Byst Has Helped Set Up Similar Programs In Coutries Such As Mauritius, Srilanka, Philippines, ChinaAndNepal, AmongstOthers.
Youth Outreached & Counselled
Mentors Inducted Trained Accredited
Youth Trained
Grampreneurs Financed (through banks & mentored)
Loans Given (in Crores)
National Awards and International Awards
Employment Generated (Direct & Indirect)
Our Partners