Hailing from the rural setup of Pimpalgaon village from Gangapur tehsil of Aurangabad district in the State of Maharashtra. I established a company that manufactures a diverse range of agriculture spray pumps. Being raised in a farming community, I witnessed many challenges faced by the farmers. This led me to manufacture the spray pumps for farmers. These pumps were meticulously designed, integrating wheels, making women farmers enable for spray operations. These pumps are eco-friendly as they are not based on diesel or petrol.
We have sold our products in 22 states of India and internationally at Kenya. We have sold over 4500 units so far. I have got two patents for Niyo spray pump. I am proud to share that we received Tata Social Enterprise Challenge award in 2021. There were 6500 nominations for this award, out of which 30 were awarded and I was one of them.
BYST and their assigned mentor supported me at every stage of my entrepreneurial journey. From getting the loan secured to guidance which includes documentation processes, legal compliances, marketing, among others. During Covid, when every door was closed, my mentor came up with the idea that we should use our spray pumps for sanitization purpose. With his advice, I sold spray pump to schools, hospitals, factories etc. This was a unique solution my mentor provided me in that difficult time. I also learnt that the agricultural products can also have other uses too.
I feel proud to be a trendsetter as I am the first in my family who took the path of entrepreneurship. Initially, even my family didn’t trust me onr my idea of being an entrepreneur. Gradually, I gained their trust and made them feel proud of me. Now, I support my family financially as well.
I aspire to become an industry leader by positioning my products among the top contenders and competing with renowned national and global leaders.
I am committed to keep improving the products and currently testing a new product with a newly designed tank. I am also expanding my vendor base for material supply. In the last financial year, my business experienced fivefold expansion. To streamline and monitor the supply chain and overall business processes, I am shifting to digitize the system.