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BYST in News
Political economy of mass entrepreneurship
‘Political economy of mass entrepreneurship’, the article was published in ‘The Hindu Businessline’ of 5th January 2024 The opinion article authored by Ms Lakshmi and co-authored by Mr Pramod Bhasin, titled, “Political economy of mass entrepreneurship” has appeared in the national edition of the leading category A English publication, The Hindu Business Line (Print & […]
Rural MSMEs need to be digitally empowered
‘Rural MSMEs need to be digitally empowered’, the article was published in ‘The Hindu Businessline’ of 3rd November 2023 A recent article co-authored by Ms. Lakshmi Venkataraman Venkatesan, Founding and Managing Trustee, Bharatiya Yuva Shakti Trust (BYST) and Mr. Saurabh Srivastava, Board Member, BYST. Titled ‘Rural MSMEs need to be digitally empowered’, the article was […]