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BYST in News
Discover the transformative power of business mentoring with BYST, unlocking personalized guidance and strategic insights for entrepreneurial success.
नई दिल्ली : भारतीय युवा शक्ति ट्रस्ट (BYST) ने सोशियो-इकोनॉमिक इनिशिएटिव के तहत भारत के 12 राज्यों में लगभग 13,000 से अधिक ग्रामीण और अर्ध-शहरी उद्यमियों पर एक स्टडी की, जिसमें उनकी चुनौतियों के बारे में महत्वूपर्ण बातें पता चलीं.
The study, spread across 20 cities in 12 states concluded in December 2023. With a sample size of over 9000+ rural and semi-urban entrepreneurs on similar parameters, the study draws on some key assessments on challenges faced by the vulnerable grampreneurs®.
An insightful study conducted by Bhartiya Yuva Shakti Trust (BYST) as a socio-economic initiative has given critical insights into the challenges of about 13,000+ rural and Semi-urban entrepreneurs, across 12 states of India. The total investment is approximately Rs. 600 crores. BYST provided support to around 2000 entrepreneurs in the previous financial year and banks disbursed around Rs. 110 crores highlighting the challenges they face while setting up their new business and not tapping the potential of Digital India.
‘Political economy of mass entrepreneurship’, the article was published in ‘The Hindu Businessline’ of 5th January 2024 The opinion article authored by Ms Lakshmi and co-authored by Mr Pramod Bhasin, titled, “Political economy of mass entrepreneurship” has appeared in the national edition of the leading category A English publication, The Hindu Business Line (Print & […]
‘Rural MSMEs need to be digitally empowered’, the article was published in ‘The Hindu Businessline’ of 3rd November 2023 A recent article co-authored by Ms. Lakshmi Venkataraman Venkatesan, Founding and Managing Trustee, Bharatiya Yuva Shakti Trust (BYST) and Mr. Saurabh Srivastava, Board Member, BYST. Titled ‘Rural MSMEs need to be digitally empowered’, the article was […]