
Article featured in Financial Express – 57% of the MSME owners struggle to get new orders from their merchandise: BYST report

The economic condition of MSMEs is yet to stabilise even though the demand has been consistent post the pandemic. Almost 57 per cent of the entrepreneurs expressed concern over getting new orders for their products or services, finds the survey

From stigma to successful entrepreneurship: Odisha’s woman saga of success

Basanti Rana, 37, today is a successful entrepreneur in her own right. Hailing from a poor family in the Jajpur district of Odisha, over 100 km from capital Bhubaneswar, Basanti has the credit of training over 1,200 women from poor

Article featured in New Indian Express – Widowed young, Lalita now empowers women and youth

Battling numerous challenges while treading a difficult path without any support, she has proved that nothing is impossible when someone has the determination and intent to give new direction to life. Widowed at 24, Lalita Debi Shing is an inspiration

Authored Article featured in The Hindu business line:  Sowing seeds of rural entrepreneurship

Written by Lakshmi Venkataraman Venkatesan and Saurabh Srivastava In the last few decades, India’s hinterlands have witnessed a general decline in growth rates of agricultural activities vis-à-vis the overall rural economy, while construction, manufacturing, services and non-agricultural activities have seen

Authored Article featured in The Hindu Sunday Magazine: The King and India

Written by Lakshmi Venkataraman Venkatesan I have had the honour and privilege of witnessing the King’s love for our country since 1990, when I started working closely with him to transform disadvantaged youth. My father, the former President R. Venkataraman,