
News Flash! BYST-Supported Entrepreneur from Pune Wins Global Award

BYST-supported and nurtured, Mr. Niranjan Ovhal from Pune, India won the Youth Business International Global Young Entrepreneur of the Year 2022 Award under the Covid Resilience category at The Hague, Netherlands on 18th October 2022. The award was received on

Loan Disbursement during Lockdown!

Bharatiya Yuva Shakti Trust has instilled a ray of hope in Divya by getting her business loan disbursed amidst lockdown. With all the businesses shut down and banks functioning with…

Economy, Entrepreneurs and Corona virus!

Contributed by BYST Mentor, CA Rajkumar Kattimani, Pune As the Corona pandemic continues its disruption, the livelihood of many entrepreneurs and business owners has been threatened. It’s obvious that even after the lockdown overall economic…

Bouncing back from setbacks!

Benjamin, 40 an enthusiastic entrepreneur of BYST, has leaped at the chance of modifying his business from manufacturing cloth bags to manufacturing masks, thus turning the situation to his advantage. Ever since the lockdown Benjamin’s cloth manufacturing has seen a…

The heart that gives, gathers!

From Contributing to the PM’s relief fund to taking care of his employees during the lockdown, Mr Ragu has clearly raised the bar for all business owners and redefined a citizen’s duty to the country. Since the lockdown, with…